S2: Ep 18 – Interview with an EOS Implementer: RGS and EOS Synergy
This show was released on May 11, 2023. To watch the show on demand, visit the show page here. To see all our audio and video content, check out our free streaming service, Square 2+.
In this episode of What’s Wrong With Revenue?, we sat down with Monica Justice, a certified EOS Implementer®, to talk with her about EOS®, RGS™ and the trend in business to look for systems to help companies scale and grow.
Over 150,000 businesses worldwide use EOS, the Entrepreneurial Operating System, and it’s quickly becoming the go-to system for companies that want to increase traction and scale. But EOS goes very lightly over the revenue generation part of what’s required today. RGS, Square 2’s revenue generation system, is specifically designed to plug into EOS to fill in this missing piece.
During our interview, we had Monica give us a rich explanation of EOS, her experience helping her clients gain traction and how companies use it. We also discussed why revenue generation needs its own system, like RGS. With EOS providing a framework for overall company management, it’s not surprising that some individual areas of a business might need their own and more detailed system.
A lot of similarities exist between RGS and EOS, so we talked with Monica about the vocabulary and rhythms that both systems share. Since EOS has been around longer and already created a wonderful framework, RGS didn’t need to recreate the wheel. As a result, RGS should feel familiar to EOS companies and practitioners.
There’s something about how leaders of EOS companies think, and we chatted with Monica about those characteristics. We also wanted to see if those same characteristics make those leaders a good fit for RGS, from her perspective.
Finally, Monica talked about her experiences with what companies are typically dealing with when they choose to use EOS and RGS. This section of the interview was very enlightening if you’re thinking about EOS or RGS. You might hear some scenarios that you’re very familiar with.
To watch the entire episode, click here.
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CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
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