Digital Marketing Agency Delivers Strategy and Analytics In Single Day
Square 2 Marketing And Local Nonprofit ACHIEVEability Work Together As Part Of Company's Square 2 Gives Back Program
Press Release: Conshohocken, PA, June 27, 2018 – “Strategy before tactics” has been a mantra at Square 2 Marketing since the company was founded in 2003. But the challenge has been the time it takes to deliver strategy in a thoughtful, creative and meaningful way.
On Tuesday, June 26, the company spent a single day working with Philadelphia nonprofit ACHIEVEability, and successfully delivered two months’ worth of strategy, messaging, differentiation, website design, social media strategy, email marketing, campaign design, content strategy and performance projections.
Prospect personas alone are not nearly enough strategy work to produce the level of results most clients expect.
Over the past few months, Square 2 Marketing has been innovating how it delivers strategy. The company has found new ways of accelerating and condensing the delivery of this important phase of any company’s revenue generation effort.
Now, two months’ worth of strategy, messaging, differentiation, campaign design, tactical planning and revenue projections can be delivered in days, not in weeks and certainly not in months.
As part of a designed Square 2 Gives Back program focused on helping nonprofits with their marketing, the 40-person Square 2 Marketing team came together in our office with the ACHIEVEability team to produce a complete marketing and donor strategy designed to help ACHIEVEability better meet its goals.
Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist of Square 2 Marketing, commented, “These intense full-day workshops have performed well beyond my initial expectations. Most importantly, clients are getting a massive amount of thinking in a hyper-condensed time frame. Their responses to these session deliverables have been game-changing.”
“Square 2 Marketing is the best! ACHIEVEability was thrilled to partner with such a talented, creative and dynamic team of professionals,” commented ACHIEVEability Executive Director Jamila Harris-Morrison during the session. “As a nonprofit, our ability to execute our mission of breaking the cycle of poverty is directly linked to how effectively we communicate with current and prospective supporters. The opportunity to partner with Square 2 Marketing to develop a digital marketing strategy was an amazing experience, because the team was fun and engaging and really listened. It felt like they knew us better than we knew ourselves.”
Brian Hoskins, Events Manager and Development Specialist, commented, “When I saw their ideas, their messaging and their campaigns for our organization…I literally got chills.”
“What Square 2 Marketing did for our organization is game-changing. Not only did they help us move our marketing forward at light speed, they are enabling us to help so many more families break the cycle of poverty in Philadelphia,” added Carly Maurer, Evaluation and Innovation Manager.
Harold Barrow, Senior Self-Sufficiency Coach at ACHIEVEability and a graduate of the program, said, “What I liked the best is they listened to us, they understand our mission and they created some of the most creative and results–focused campaign designs we’ve seen in our organization’s history – truly remarkable.”
Kristin Stricker, Director of Client Services at Square 2 Marketing, created the Square 2 Day Accelerated Strategy Program, which new clients have responded to very positively. “New clients love the idea of marketing, sales and customer service strategy. They just wanted it done in days, not weeks or months,” she said. “So we organized a series of working sessions with the entire client team and do two months’ of work in two condensed days with clients in our office.”
Kristin added, “We were thrilled to be able to apply this programmatic approach to ACHIEVEability. They were just as happy as our clients are when we presented them with their full program at the end of a single day.”
ABOUT ACHIEVEability - ACHIEVEability is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization working to permanently break the generational cycle of poverty for low income, single parent, and homeless families through higher education, affordable housing, supportive services, community and economic development, and accountability.
ACHIEVEability's mission is realized through our Family Self-Sufficiency Program. We help our families become self-reliant by providing a full range of academic, employment, housing and family support services to maximize each family's growth. We provide a great deal of support to help our parents attain their goals. We have expectations in return. In order to remain in the program, all parents are encouraged to work at least 30 hours per week, must complete 5 classes per year toward a post-secondary degree or its equivalent, and must attend regular workshops on issues such as parenting, home maintenance, and financial management.
For more information or to donate, visit http://www.achieveability.org/

CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist
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