The Revenue Generation Blog | Square 2

WWWR Ep 21: Companies View Marketing And Sales As Separate Departments

Written by Mike Lieberman, CEO and Chief Revenue Scientist | Wed, Feb 16, 2022

This show aired LIVE on February 9, 2022. To watch the show on demand, visit the show on its new page, Square 2+.

In this episode of What’s Wrong With Revenue? we hosted our first guest, Joel Capperella, the VP of Revenue Marketing at software company Workiva.

Joel, Eric and I had a lively conversation about how to bring marketing and sales departments together into a single revenue team.

Joel shared some real-life experiences during his journey in this area. We talked about common challenges and how to overcome them.

Joel’s previous experience as a consultant was critical for experience sharing. He talked specifically about getting the voice of the customer and scoring some quick wins for the organization before he could move on with a few of his own ideas.

The show covered a wide range of topics including tactic selection, technology and how to drive conversions from MQLs into opportunities for the sales team.

We spent a decent amount of time discussing the demo. The demo offer is one software companies love to lean into. We brainstormed some innovative ideas around doing demos including the pre-recorded demo, the regularly scheduled live group demo and, of course, the one-on-one demo most software companies rely on for their best sales opportunities.

There was a lot to talk about this week. If you’d like to subscribe to the show, we’ll send you reminders and email you a link to the show after each live show – just click here. If you’d like to submit a question to the show, we answer questions every week – just click here.

If you want to watch the show and all the other audio and video content published by Square 2, visit our new Square 2+ page. It’s full of valuable content related to marketing, sales, technology, revenue growth and more.