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Sales Empowerment Group Blog

Use AI to supercharge your lead generation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is perforating every industry in one way or another. When it comes to sales, AI has significantly changed how sales teams approach lead generation. A 2019 report from McKinsey Analytics that studied 400 AI use cases pointed to sales and marketing being areas where AI will have the most impact, equating to $2.6 trillion in business value.

For years now, we have seen proof point after proof point that not only will AI generate more leads than traditional sales and marketing tactics alone, but it also is cost-effective. But where do you start? Decision-makers at organizations of all sizes are inundated regularly with sales pitches on the latest and greatest AI tool, and it is not a one-size-fits-all formula. While the AI new order is mostly bright, sales leaders must keep the following considerations in mind for their specific organization as they continue to strategize how AI can help superpower their lead generation efforts:

Know your organization.

Your organization's best AI strategy will look different depending on its size and budget. Forbes reported on a study by Prospex.ai that explores the degree to which larger and smaller companies employ social media and lead generation tactics effectively. The study found that despite larger companies (defined as 250+ employees) having more access to newer technologies, 56 percent of decision-makers reported that their sales and marketing strategies are outdated. Only 31 percent of decision-makers at small companies (defined as <10 employees) felt this way. The same study reported that 65 percent of decision-makers in large companies prioritize investment in new marketing and sales technology compared to 40 percent of small companies's decision-makers.

With that said, this is not a steadfast prediction because different size companies within varying industries will have different experiences in prioritizing new technologies and different budgets to accelerate lead generation. Understanding your organization's priorities, goals and budgets will help to lead you in your decision making.

What AI tool will work best?

There is more than one way to crack an egg...and there is more than one AI tool to transform your sales efforts. From chatbots to lead validation and automated email campaigns, your sales team needs to research what tools will add the most value to your current sales strategy.

Your AI is only as good as your data.

Sales experts at Customer Think point out that useful AI is not only about connecting your system to the newest AI-powered tool but it is also crucial to ensure that your data framework allows organized and consistent access. This means taking a close look at how your CRM, content management, and product information systems align with your AI sales tools and strategy.

AI compliments your sales team; it doesn't replace them.

AI is not a replacement for human intuition, but rather by synthesizing AI with conventional marketing tactics; human sales forces are finding more accuracy and efficiency with artificial intelligence. With AI's support in the sales process, salespeople can focus on the tasks that need their attention now with access to more strategic and valuable data and insights.

Don't forgo the basic tenants of lead generation.

We have written extensively about ways to accelerate revenue with lead generation. As you implement new AI tools, it is essential to remember the basics. Creating prospect personas, tending to your database, and optimizing your CRM are all still critical.

Did you find this helpful? Connect with us to speak more about how AI can transform your lead generation strategy.